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This cream is not just made with the amazing wild yam root but includes a combination of other herbs that have used for centuries to help benefit women's health. 

Used regularly, this all-natural hormone cream provides adrenal support enhancing hormone balance and stimulates the production of several useful hormones allowing you to be a more happier you.  

Benefits (to name a few)...Reduction in PMS, pain, cramping, bloating, circulation, blood pressure, headaches, blood sugar, hot flashes, night sweats, tender breasts, insomnia and mood swings.   And the list list goes on....

Keep reading to learn more about the "why and how" of these herbs and oils and what can happen for you.

Wild yam root contains diosgenin which is a natural alternative to address hormone-related conditions.  Cramp Bark has antispasmodic properties.  It contains volatile oils that help to soothe and relax uterine cramps. It also increases circulation and blood flow. Furthermore, cramp bark is rich in valerenic acid which allows a sedative effect when combined with other hormone regulating herbs. Chaste tree berries help stimulate progesterone.  Dandelion root cleanses the body of excess hormones and reduces the symptoms associated with hormone imbalance.  Red clover has come to be known as a top healing herb.  It contains isoflavones which help ease symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, improve bone density, and lower risk for osteoporosis and heart-related problems, like high blood pressure. 

Proprietary essential oil blend known to be extremely effective for supporting and harmonizing estrogen balance.  Clary sage is considered the "holy grail" of herbs for women with its amazing properties that help with insomnia, stress, hormone balance and relieving menstrual discomfort.   This essential oil blend improves cortisol levels which result in better overall hormone balance.  Utilizing the most versatile herb in the world with medicinal properties to help reduce headaches, night sweats and hot flashes.  Additional benefits of this blend targets pain, cramps, anxiety, nausea, fatigue and mood swings.  Furthermore, it can bolster the immune function, detox the liver and improve blood circulation - contributing to the regulation of hormone production and balance.

Color represents natural ingredients and may vary from time to time.  There is absolutely no bleaching or colors added. 

DIRECTIONS:  Use dime size once per day rotating inner arms, inner thighs, chest, abdomen, neck. 

Still menstruating: Start on day 7 after first day of period and continue for 21+ days until start day of period.  Stop for 7 days while on period and then continue cycle on day 7.

Menopause: Can be used daily.  However, may want to allow 7 day break.  First 7 day break is easy schedule to follow.  Start on day 7 each month and continue until end of month.  No cream for first 7 days of each month.